October 20, 2012

Pleasantly surprised

I was pleasantly surprised with the humor in From the Earth to the Moon.  It was clear that Jules Verne was definitely making a point about Americans and their inability to see obstacles in their path to impossible dreams. However, he also lauded this ability at the same time.  This book was written in 1865 and details something which would have been almost laughable at the time: a manned spacecraft.  If you're eyes are bulging out of your sockets with the thought of a man this far ahead of his time, then you should read the book.  I do need to warn you, however, that the ending kind of fell flat after the buildup created by the previous chapters.  Fans of classical literature and/or sci-fi will most definitely enjoy this read.

For my next daring adventure into literature I've chosen Jane Austen: The World of Her Novels by Deirdre Le Faye.  The title pretty much explains exactly what this book is all about.  The author discusses Jane's life and the culture of the time period in which each of her books was written.  I'm a huge fan of classical literature and Jane Austen is one my favorites so when I saw it on the shelf I practically leaped over to grab it.  From the quick flip through I see that there are several photographs, maps, and various illustrations which will no doubt further the reader's awareness of the period in which Jane lived.  I can't wait to find out what her inspiration was for Mansfield Park!!

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