Today's book is a classic that I have wanted to read for quite some time but never got around to...until now. Stephen Crane's
The Red Badge of Courage covers the American Civil War from the point of view of a Union soldier. It's the gritty portrayal of life at the front and just what it's like to lay down your life for a cause that you don't fully understand. In fact, our protagonist has almost no clue what it is that he's fighting for or against. He joined up because it was the done thing which seems to be the case for the rest of his regiment as well. There are those that brag about their bravado but when the time comes for the bullets to fly they are the first to turn and run. At first, our soldier is condescending towards these 'cowards' as he sees them but he very quickly sees the futility of their regiment's actions as they seem to be merely feinting and arbitrarily gaining and losing ground. It is a gritty, raw description of battle and defeat which is undercut with confusion and fear. These are children playacting warfare but the injuries and death are
very real. Crane's insistence on not holding back lends a realistic, deadening of the senses feel to what it's like on the battlefield when you are surrounded by death and horror at every turn. He was making a commentary on the futility of war and how those who are a part of the 'war machine' are generally lost as to the meaning of why and
who they are fighting. I am immensely glad that I finally picked this book up and gave it a read. I encourage ya'll to do the same. It's a slim volume and will take no time at all (though I don't promise you'll want a break every now and again from the bloodshed). 9/10
This is the cover of my copy. [Source: Goodreads] |
Here are a few more covers which I thought were worth sharing because they tell slightly different stories (and illustrate the point that covers
do matter):
This one screams patriotism. Source: Goodreads |
Yes, that is a bald eagle. [Source: Waldina] |
Just so you get the message. [Source: Goodreads] |
And my fave because RAINBOW. [Source: Amazon] |
What's Up Next:
Science of the Magical: From the Holy Grail to Love Potions to Superpowers by Matt Kaplan
What I'm Currently Reading:
Slightly Foxed: Issues 50-53
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