October 1, 2014

Pasta Prayer Passion Or Alternate Title Alliteration

In my last post, I was already enthusiastic about the prospects of Eat Pray Love and I have to say that my expectations were completely fulfilled. I found myself smiling while I was reading and nodding my head at the nuggets of wisdom she gleaned along her journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. This is a book which will lighten your heart and your spirit. It will also make you want to pick up and immediately begin traveling on your own spiritual pilgrimage. I've been telling anyone and everyone that they need to read this book (and now I'm telling you!).

I didn't even realize until just this moment that my next book is also a memoir (oops?). The Removers by Andrew Meredith is the story of how Andrew's life came completely undone when he was 14 years old. This is the year that his father lost his job due to a scandal and his life was totally altered. Not long after, he joins his father in a new business venture: corpse removal. O_O

I kept these brief for 2 reasons 1) I really want you to read Eat Pray Love and I don't want to spoil anything and 2) I feel like if I go any further with a preview of The Removers I'm likely to spoil this one too. :-D

Let me know if there's any books out there you'd like me to review!

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